The fundamental argument for the property status of the electromagnetic spectrum presupposes that the spectrum is limit. In the past, this may have been true, for transient technical reasons, not for philosophical or “law of nature” reasons. As it stands today, with the use of digital signal...
A diffraction peak at 4.98° corresponding to the (002) crystalline plane of MXene can be observed in GMX3 spectrum (Fig.3a) while the characteristic diffraction peaks of GO (~ 10°) and rGO (~ 26°) [47,48,49] are not detected. Instead, a broad diffraction peak appears at 21...
In an oversimplified but widespread approach, the electromagnetic resonances of a body are found as the peaks of its scattered power spectrum when a frequency-tunable probe field illuminates it. The corresponding electric field distributions are denoted as “modes”. This approach is flawed because: ...
The output of the measurements is the frequency spectrum, cumulative values of the electromagnetic spectrum intensity, and the maximum EMF values for the dominant frequencies at each measurement site during individual measurements. The measurement time was set to six minutes. The measurement was ...