The meaning of ELECTROCUTE is to kill or severely injure by electric shock. How to use electrocute in a sentence.
Electrocution definition: death or injury from electricity passing through the body. See examples of ELECTROCUTION used in a sentence.
The meaning of ELECTROCUTE is to kill or severely injure by electric shock. How to use electrocute in a sentence.
Meaning "any death by electricity" is from 1897. Electrocution, unless better performed than in the first instance, is a retrograde step rather than the contrary. The preliminary arrangements: the shaving of the head, the cutting of the clothing, the strapping in a chair, add much to the ...
Severe electric shocks can lead to heart failure, meaning fatal injury can often be the result of high-voltage electrocution accidents. Due to the real danger and risk to life from electrical accidents, there are stringent workplace regulations for people whose work brings them in close contact ...
Meaning... Expanded Galaxy Project KotOR 2&1 Nov 22 2024 Early Access 2019 Role Playing The current goal of the Expanded Galaxy Project is to expand upon both games as much as possible by adding all planets not present in both games and vice-versa... A Conquest for Dune Dec 30 2024 ...
James M. Cross in his observation about the term electrocution specially 'non fatal electrocution' in my article. I agree with him about his comment. According to dictionary meaning author is right and even many publications supports his opinion. However in my article I used the term '...
The meaning of ELECTROCUTE is to kill or severely injure by electric shock. How to use electrocute in a sentence.
Electric chair也首次记录于1889年,当年在纽约引入该方法作为绞刑的人道替代品。相关词汇:Electrocuted;electrocuting。 分享"electrocution" 中文翻译由AI生成。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning ofelectrocution 广告 想移除广告吗?查看更少的广告,并成为会员以移除所有广告。 简体中文 (Chinese)...
"execution by electricity," 1889, American English; noun of action fromelectrocute. Meaning "any death by electricity" is from 1897. Electrocution, unless better performed than in the first instance, is a retrograde step rather than the contrary. The preliminary arrangements: the shaving of the ...