0.00077 0.00078 80 ◦C 0.126 0.127 0.151 0.151 0.175 0.176 2187 2233 2149 2182 2259 2320 3.4 3.6 8.1 8.3 11.5 11.5 832 832 926 926 880 881 0.00080 0.00080 0.00079 0.00079 0.00080 0.00080 As mentioned earlier, the Grashof number expresses the ratio of the buoyancy force to the fluid ...
s, coalescence of the bands between 1500 and 1400 cm—1, ascribed to the ether CH2 rocking motion, as outlined in the forCeogmoipnogu,nsduggestLsocgoKor29d8i.n15aKtion w∆itGh t[hkJemetohle−r1]cavity (s∆eHe /FRig[Kur−e1]S1a–c). Indee∆dS,/Roptimi- sationDBoAf Pthe ...