This paper describes a risk assessment of the electricity supply and distribution system serving a major UK city. The need for the risk assessment arose after proposals had been prepared by an electricity supply and distribution company, for an extensive upgrade to the electricity supply into the ...
on the accuracy of VaR estimatation are analyzed.The numerical example based on the historical data of the PJM market shows that the skewed student-t GARCH-VaR model with time-varying parameters performs better in predicting one-period-ahead VaR,but the one with normal distribution underestimates ...
The example provided is of lost load outcomes for scenario 18, representative day 12. Load curtailment is reduced in quantum and duration, due to incremental strategic generation capacity being dispatched, and priority curtailment of load in order of value. Table 3. Risk-neutral social optimum (...
2 This process is illustrated in the flowchart in Figure 2, with an example of a tranched revenue time series shown in Figure 3. The values and will refer to matrices making up the time series of the senior and junior tranches of generator i respectively. Furthermore, and will refer to ...
For example, our results in Fig. 4 that all industrial sub-sectors (e.g., manufacturing) experienced a decline of over 70% due to level 1 emergency response (from Jan 24th to Mar 1st, 2020), and then decline by over 20% due to level 2 emergency response (from Mar 2nd to Mar 23rd...
For example, shared ownership of vehicles has never been established at scale in the USA or EU, but it could emerge in parts of Africa. However, this doesn’t mean that people travel less. Clean electricity will address both the second and third points: electrified energy services are often...
example, in some cases in a simplified distributed network, we discovered that the long-term vulnerability of solar PV was 2.7 times higher than that of battery, whilst for the short-term vulnerability this trend is reversed and the vulnerability of battery was 1.2 times higher than that of ...
In general, a LCA should not stand alone in the assessment of technologies; but other environmental management techniques, such as risk assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), are valuable tools that address these...
For example, from the perspective of household scale-based assessment, Ma et al. [29] conduct decoupling analyses on the Carbon-dioxide mitigation in residential building sector. Liu and Cai (2020) demonstrate the economic output and energy intensity effects suppress the growth of carbon emission ...
For example, the Index showed that human-amplified climate change made Sunday's record high in Tucson, Arizona of 98 degrees at least three times more likely. The same was true for Waco, Texas, which broke a record with 92-degree heat, and Mobile, Alabama, which hit a record 90 degrees...