That’s7% higherthan the national average electric bill of$2,873. The average electric rates in Pennsylvania cost 18 ¢/kilowatt-hour (kWh), so that means that the average electricity customer in Pennsylvania is using 1,421.00 kWh of electricity per month, and 17052 kWh over the course of...
The February 2025 Choose Energy rates report The average home in the U.S. consumes855 kWh of electricity per month. Electricity bills vary bystate and regionbased on different energy rates, utility fees, and local taxes. To estimate your average monthly energy bill, multiply your home’s avera...
The average residential electricity rate in Perry County, PA is 18 ¢/kWh, which is 2% higher than the average electricity rate in Pennsylvania of 17.83 ¢/kWh. The average residential electricity rate in Perry County, PA is 2% lower than the national average rate of 19 ¢/kWh. ...
Electric rates by state are influenced by multiple factors. For example,Texashas below-average electricity rates thanks to the abundance of local energy resources, while states that depend on natural gas imports tend to have higher rates. If you live in a state with aderegulated electricity market...
Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Wisconsin experienced a decrease in electricity bills. There are a few reasons why your electric bill could be high, including the following: Electricity rates are going up. Your electricity...
Pennsylvania Rhode Island Texas Washington, DC Electricity Rates for Your Business Take a strategic approach to energy management for your business with customized rates, energy bill optimization and more. Learn More Compare Leading Electricity Providers ...
Sign in and pay your bill How to Report a Power Outage & Sign Up for Outage Alerts Looking to switch Arlington electricity providers? Moving to Arlington and need power? Learn all you need to know about energy choice, electric plans & Arlington electricity rates to make a wise choice in ou...
Pennsylvania 10,882 58.67The leaders in green energy production Hydroelectric power is one of the cleanest energy producers and made up 5.64% of the national energy mix in November. Washington depends heavily on hydroelectric power – one of the reasons the state consistently has one of the lowest...
Rates Here are the top electricity plans for Chicago, Illinois Zip:60601 Utility:ComEd Your Price to Compare:6.55¢ Best Rate Plan Length: 6 mo. Rate: 9.18¢ Best Long Term Plan Length: 18 mo. Rate: 10.69¢ View Rates
We don’t know. US electricity prices at 0.12 $/kWh (now 0.15 $/kWh) are also quite cheap internationally. In India and China they are very cheap. Electricity prices are on the move in many places, South Africa, Australia and Nigeria come to mind. And secondly, exchange rates aren’t...