If your monthly bill is high, you can always go online to compare prices between the different energy providers in your area. Some places have multiple providers, while more remote areas may have fewer options available. When you shop around, consider whether they offer sign-up deals or loya...
Direct Access (DA) is an option that allows eligible companies the ability to purchase their electricity directly from competitive electric service providers (ESPs). PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E continue to transport and deliver electricity and their utility services for all companies in this utility DA p...
Our partners practice in the energy industry on a daily basis, regularly advising Governments and market bodies, retailers, generators, network service providers, financiers and developers across the full spectrum of the energy sector. Our law firm’s experience in energy covers a range o...
In this paper, artificial intelligence is applied to electricity demand forecasting due to the demand for this from both providers and consumers at this time. In order to seek accurate demand forecasting methods, this article proposes a new combined electric load forecasting method (SPLSSVM), ...
The more than 70 registered participants in the NEM, encompassing privately and publicly owned generators, transmission and distribution network providers and traders, currently supply electricity to 7.7 million customers with more than $8 billion of energy traded annually (for details of the NEM's ...
There are often concerns that rooftop solar will impose costs on local grids, but these concerns do not seem to persist under closer scrutiny in Australia. In many cases network providers will specify zero export limits and in some cases this might stifle rooftop solar uptake. But customers are...
at electricity wizard, we are committed to ensuring you are saving heaps on your electricity & gas bills. compare plans, providers & rates today. learn more! compare electricity and gas properly. we compare every retailer so you can find the best energy deals in nsw, vic, qld, sa, act ...
“Electricity” (electric energy) is a homogeneous commodity. In principle, the nature of this commodity is unaffected by scale, i.e., the same product, namely electromagnetic energy carried over a network, is delivered to large, energy-intensive factories and small consumers in other parts of ...
In this paper, artificial intelligence is applied to electricity demand forecasting due to the demand for this from both providers and consumers at this time. In order to seek accurate demand forecasting methods, this article proposes a new combined electric load forecasting method (SPLSSVM), ...
In this paper we undertake an investigation of the annual short-term revenue impacts of PV systems for those households installing them, for their electricity retailers and network service providers (NSPs), and for all electricity customers more in general, in the Australian State of NSW. We use...