Each directory contains a set of channel_oi>.dat CSV files (one file per electricity meter i) and a labels.dat file which is a CSV file which maps from channel number i to appliance name. All CSV files in UK-DALE use a single space as the column separator (as per REDD). One way...
The current iteration of the UK smart meter specification23is detailed enough to allow us to build our own metering system which closely mimics what a UK smart meter is likely to provide (these specifications are subject to formal change control processes such that any changes are subject to ana...
The current iteration of the UK smart meter specification23is detailed enough to allow us to build our own metering system which closely mimics what a UK smart meter is likely to provide (these specifications are subject to formal change control processes such that any changes are subject to ana...
2. In addition to the price movement of both natural gas and electricity, the times when price caps were introduced by the UK government with the intention of preventing suppliers from overcharging consumers are indicated. Time (1) marks the introduction to the price cap on prepayment meter ...
(2007) use discriminant analysis to characterize and classify consumers based on their load profiles. Hylandet al(2013) use smart meter data from Ireland and register the difference in gross margin earned by electricity suppliers from different types of consumers. This data help identify different ...
Figure 5 shows the performance of the model trained on meter locations in Rwanda for various temporal aggregation techniques. Each boxplot illustrates the distribution of the metrics across the folds of the cross-validations. Here, the 𝛽β in 𝐹𝛽Fβ was set to 1 since the number of el...
For example, products of the nonmetallic mineral products industry contain cement, concrete, plasterboards, bricks, tiles, plate glasses, glass products, refractory products, graphite and carbon products and so on, of which, the units are ton, cubic meter, weight box, meter, square meter, etc....
, //input script Sequence_N: 0x225//serial number Value: 556//output bitcoin value scriptPubKey: OP_DUP OP_HASH160 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG//output script (1) Acquire hash of previous unspent transaction "Prev_Tx hash1" and output of the current transaction "Vout"; (2) Execute script...