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Home >> Nuclear, stability: the N-Z curveNUCLEAR PHYSICS Stability: the N-Z curve the N-Z curve decay process decay chains The N-Z curve The N-Z curve is a plot of the number of neutrons(N) against the number of protons(Z). lines: i) the 'stability' line - a gentle ...
The loss of energy is evident in the reduction in amplitude of the wave. Successive waves become smaller, however, the frequency remains the same. One common example is the pendulum. After being set in motion, the distance being swept out by the pendulum bob becomes progressively smaller. ...
It is a basic rule of physics that systems tend towards the lowest level of P.E. . Such is the case with crystals, where regular arrangements of atoms have a lower P.E. than the same atoms all jumbled up, with no structure. In a large single crystal similar planes of atoms are para...
Home >> Quantum, wave-particle dualityQUANTUM PHYSICS Wave-Particle Duality De Broglie equation double slit quantum effects wavelengths The De Broglie Equation In 1924 Louis de Broglie proposed that matter had a wave nature. His famous equation links the momentum 'p' of a particle with its ...