well as electricity they may not be an accurate proxy for grid electricity emissions, i.e. the emissions from heat generation may skew the factor upwards or downwards. This paper presents a methodology and results for electricity-specific emission factors based on alternative data available from ...
Because these factors include the emissions from heat generation as well as electricity they may not be an accurate proxy for grid electricity emissions, i.e. the emissions from heat generation may skew the factor upwards or downwards. This paper presents a methodology and results for electricity-...
Emission Factor Type emissionFactorType string 炭素集約度の計算に使用される排出係数のタイプ。 Estimation Method estimationMethod string 炭素集約度の計算に使用される推定算出方法。 Is Estimated isEstimated boolean 推定方法が有効になりました。 更新日 updatedAt string レコードが更新された日時。
Here, we develop a new metric, the Critical Emissions Factor (CEF), which we define as the carbon intensity of the regional grid that would be needed for the lifecycle emissions from an electric vehicle to be at parity with the emissions of some of the most efficient gasoline vehicles in t...
Electricity imported from the grid to the neighborhood/exported at t [kWh] 1. Introduction Zero Emission Neighborhoods (ZEN) are gaining attention as a solution to the sustainability problem of current buildings and cities. To qualify as a ZEN, a neighborhood should have net zero emissions of CO...
The International Energy Agency (IEA) argues that electric vehicles (EVs) have contributed to avoiding 29.4 million tonnes of CO2 emissions worldwide based on the average grid carbon emission factor of each country in 2015 (IEA, 2018). EVs are generally more efficient than internal combustion engi...
These values give a combined margin emission factor of 0.9661 tCO2/MWh for grid electricity generated from wind power or solar PV. For any other types of grid-tied renewable electricity generation or energy efficiency measures that displace grid electricity, the combined margin grid emission factor ...
Supplementary Tables 1–9: 1, Mini-grid components; 2, Moyo settlement; 3, Descriptive statistics; 4, Demand scenarios; 5, Sensitivity; 6, Main indicators; 7, Stakeholders; 8, Corrective factors; 9, Emission factors. Supplementary Data Source data for Supplementary Figs. 1 and 2. Source data...
g) As shown on the webpages titled: Synchronous and Asynchronous Electricity Generation and Generation Valuation, due to electricity grid stability issues, unconstrained wind and solar electricity generation, without energy storage, can supply at most about 20% of the required annual clean energy and...
However, such large imbalances may also have negative impacts, as they would require costly investments in future grid infrastructure to reinforce regional grid connections. Furthermore, the economic benefits of the PV expansion would be unequally distributed between regions, profiting some and leaving ...