该数据的历史最高值出现于08-01-2024,达964.900十亿千瓦时,而历史最低值则出现于02-01-2010,为272.094十亿千瓦时。CEIC提供的电力消费数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于中国电力企业联合会,数据归类于中国经济数据库的能源行业 – Table CN.RBB: Electricity Consumption: by Industry。
Regression analysis can help in identifying relationships between electricity consumption and other factors, while machine learning techniques can be used for prediction and forecasting. Moreover, electricity consumption data can be used in various domains such as energy management, urban planning, climate...
英国2024-08的英国 Electricity: PD: Consumption: Total是多少? 数值前次数值最小值最大值单位频率范围 18.2612024-0818.3922024-0718.1042022-0634.1802003-12万亿瓦时月1995-01 - 2024-08 英国Electricity: PD: Consumption: Total的相关指标 相关指标数值频率范围 ...
However, there is no detailed analysis model to reveal the causal relationship between factors such as electricity consumption and the specific pandemic-related policies, and post-pandemic economic recovery. Besides, there is no analysis based on a dataset that covering electricity consumption data of ...
In addition to the energy consumption data, 16 months of hourly data for wind speed, temperature and humidity of the closest weather station has been provided. The data will be useful in the formulation of mathematical models of electricity consumption that is most suitable for a student ...
The annual electricity consumption in the UK has declined over the past decades and amounted to 266 terawatt-hours in 2023.
The main goal of the paper is the application of our clustering technique based on generalized self-organizing neural networks with evolving tree-like splitting-merging structures to the clustering of electricity consumption data collected as a part of a smart metering pilot study conducted by Irish ...
How much electricity does the United States use in a year? The annual electricity consumption in the U.S. grew steadily over the past few years.
BEIJING, May 14 (Xinhua) -- China's electricity consumption picked up in April with a 7.8 percent year-on-year growth, official data showed Monday. Electricity consumption stood at 521.7 billion kilowatt-hours last month, according to the National Energy Administration. ...
Citation: Raillard-Cazanove, Q.;Barbour, E. Analysis of Smart MeterElectricity Consumption Data for PVStorage in the UK. Energies 2022, 15,3732. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15103732Academic Editor: Petr MusilekReceived: 22 March 2022Accepted: 9 May 2022Published: 19 May 2022Publisher’s Note:...