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-6- 2019 AP® PHYSICS C: ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS A student in class argues that using the integral shown below might be a useful approach for determining the electric field at point P. 1 1 E Ú4pe 2 dq 0 r The student uses this approach and writes the ...
guest_idCollects data related to the user's visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and which pages have been loaded, with the purpose of personalising and improving the Twitter service. Maximum Storage Duration: 400 daysType: HTTP Cookie guest...
Table 10. Validation of the general measurement model for structural equation modeling based on covariance. Table 11. Cross-factor loadings of the general measurement model for structural equation modeling based on covariance. According to Kaiser’s criterion, all constructs were one-dimensional, wi...
4.5. Implementation of the Machine Learning Algorithms All the numerical calculations were performed on a personal computer with the following parameters: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS operating system and Intel Core i5-2430M 2.4 GHz, 2 CPU × 2 cores, 8 GB RAM. As the computing environment, R-CRAN was ...