Average Salary:High Depending on the experience, level of education, and position within the company that you work for, your salary can change. For electricians with one to two years’ experience, with a high school diploma and certificate, a salary of around $55,000 can be expected. Electr...
Of course, we can’t overlook the fact that several factors come into play when it comes to determining the final salary. One major factor that affects it is the location of the workplace. Below, you’ll find the average annual salaries in each state per the BLS. ...
StatesSalary / Year California $77,470 Kansas $50,120 Texas $55,890 Florida $50,120 New York $77,430 Pennsylvania $65,700 Illinois $95,090 Ohio $63,370 Georgia $55,300 North Carolina $50,950 National Average$64,916Tips for writing an electrician resumeLanding...
As we mentioned above, the average salary for electricians is $63,310. The average income for people with a high school degree and a full-time job is $38,102 and that’s a difference of more than $20,000. Not too shabby. Even if you go the technical college route, the student ...
The salary of electricians depends on the level of their experience as well as geographical location. Entry-level electricians usually make about $21.25 per hour. Early in the career, the salary increases. With the experience between 5 and 10 years, electricians make about $49,000 per year. ...