澳大利亚和新西兰的电气安全符合性管理制度 Electrical Safety Conformity Systems of Australia and New Zealand.pdf,澳大剃亚和新西兰的电气安全符合性管理制度 EIectr.cal ofAustra¨aandNewZealand SafetyConformitySystems 深圳市标准技术研究院曾延光 摘要 从ERAC、
有关电气安全SAA澳大利亚认证:所有在澳大利亚或者新西兰斯出售的電器貨品都必須符合Electricity (Consumer Safety) Act 2004 和法案的條例的要求,這法例涵蓋銷售安全的電器用品和其他電器貨品,法例提及62個種別的電器設備。在這些類別的電器設備,稱為強制認證商品(declared articles),在可以出售前,必須經過測試和獲得認可。
AS/NZS3820:2009 Australian/NewZealandStandard ™ Essentialsafetyrequirementsfor electricalequipment A S / N Z S 3 8 2 0 : 2 0 0 9 AS/NZS3820:2009 ThisJointAustralian/NewZealandStandardwaspreparedbyJointTechnical CommitteeQR-012,ConformanceMarkingtoRegulatoryRequirements.Itwas approvedonbehalfoftheCou...
IEC 60601 is a series of technical standards that ensure the safety of medical electrical equipment. IEC 60601-1 (Edition 3.2) deals with the basic safety and essential performance requirements of medical electrical equipment, and serves to ensure that no si...
Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Medical,Legal,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. AcronymDefinition ELECElectric ELECElectronic ELECElectrical ELECElectrician ELECElective(school subject) ELECÉditions en Ligne de l'École des Chartes(French electronic publication collection) ...
Safety requirements for electrical test, measurement, control and laboratory equipment - Part 1: General requirements (IEC 61010-1:2001, MOD)Standards Australia
Essential safety requirements for electrical equipment AS/NZS 3820:2009 This Joint Australian/New Zealand Standard was prepared by Joint Technical Committee QR-012, Conformance Marking to Regulatory Requirements. It was approved on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 14 October 2009 and on...
Australian/NewZealandStandardEssentialsafety requirementsforelectricalequipmentAS/NZS3820:2009 AS/NZS3820:2009ThisJointAustralian/NewZealandStandardwas preparedbyJointTechnicalCommitteeQR-012,ConformanceMarkingto RegulatoryRequirements.ItwasapprovedonbehalfoftheCouncilof StandardsAustraliaon14October2009andonbehalfofthe...
1)electrical safety电气安全 1.Introduceselectrical safetyconformity systems of Australia and New Zealand, in aspects of ERAC,electrical safetytechnical regulations and related regulatory authorities, declared articles and non-declared articles, RCM mark, market surveillance systems.从ERAC、电气安全技术法规及...
SAFETY FRONT OF MIND FOR STANDARDS AUSTRALIA With the publication of the Wiring Rules as well as a number of other standards in the electrical sector, safety remains the highest priority as more and more guidance is provided to the professionals across the industry, writes Standard... S Tomevs...