An intriguing summary may convince the hiring manager to continue reading the rest of the resume. You can also use this section to describe why you're applying for the job with a statement of intent. Keep the summary brief, including crucial elements only, as you can add more details to ...
EPLAN Electric P8 is a consistent, integrated and fast engineering system for you to plan and design the electrical engineering for machines and plant systems. The software supports a wide variety of engineering methods: from manual creation through to standardised and template-based approaches. The ...
The security of Your Personal Data is important to Us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While We strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect Your Personal Data, We cannot guarantee its absolute security. ...
Non-linear model predictive control with single-shooting method for autonomous personal mobility vehicle 10.55981/j.mev.2024.1105 Rakha Rahmadani Pratama, Catur Hilman Adritya Haryo Bhakti Baskoro, Joga Dharma Setiawan, Dyah Kusuma Dewi, Paryanto Paryanto, Mochammad Ariyanto, Roni Permana Saputra ...
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) via implanted electrodes is used worldwide to treat patients with severe neurological and psychiatric disorders. However, its invasiveness precludes widespread clinical use and deployment in research. Temporal interference (T
By forming direct bridges between metal particles and CNTs, the RES method provides a unique means to directly attach metallic particles to CNTs that are already part of sheets and significantly improve electrical conductivity. CRediT authorship contribution statement Brian Earp: Investigation, Writing -...
Each of the three specific aims adds unique value to this study. The first aim, to confirm and demonstrate the generalizability of the efficacy of CCFES by comparing CCFES to cNMES will determine whether the CCFES method of delivering electrical stimulation really matters (explanatory aim). But...
Superconductors have much lower electrical resistance than common electrical conductors.
In a result, our conductivity improvement method with HQ would widen the potential of PEDOT:PSS for its realistic application as TE. CRediT authorship contribution statement Inho Song: Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Visualization. Na Yeon Park: Data curation, Formal ...
Figure250-2.Anewmethodisusedforcalculatingthegustresponsefactorforboththestructureandthe wires,asprovidedinTable250-3.TheTable253-1loadfactorsforRule250Carenow1.0,consistentwith theuseoftheseparatewindmapsforGradeBandGradeCconstruction.AppendixCprovidesexamples ...