GATE Electrical Engineering (EE) Previous Years’ Question Papers As per theGATE Exam pattern, the GATE Electrical Engineering (EE) Paper constitutes 3 sections – General Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics and Core Subject. Also, about 15% of marks weightage was contributed by the GA section, while...
From Equation 7.5.2, it can be concluded that the additional conductivity of clay depends on the capability of cation exchange (CEC) and is affected by factors such as the type, concentration, and distribution of clay minerals and the ambient conditions (PH value, temperature, salinity, etc.)...
The first equation describes the change in concentration, Ci, of a molecular species, i as a function of time at some point within the cell. It is a partial derivative of Ci with respect to time; Ci can also vary over spatial coordinates, x,y,z. On the right hand side of Eq. (1...
Fire Type is Light hazard Fire Protection Area (Building) Detail: There are 4 Nos of Residency Building having 12 Nos floor and each floor have of 3.2 Meter height. (Building Height 38.40 Meter). Fire Fighting Pipe Network Detail: The maximum horizontal length of fire System header is 50 Me...
Ohm's law equation (formula):V=I×Rand the power law equation (formula):P = I×V. P= power,IorJ= Latin: influare, international ampere, or intensity andR= resistance. V= voltage, electric potential differenceΔ VorE= electromotive force (emf = voltage). ...
The Langevin equation with applications in physics, chemistry and electrical engineering. J Stat Phys 88, 519–520 (1997). Download citation Issue DateJuly 1997 DOI Access this article Log in via an institution Buy article ...
Thermoelectric engineering has been getting much attention anticipating its potential to serve an important role in producing clean energy out of waste heat dissipated from industries, residential processes, and transportation. However, thermoelectric efficiency has been limited to a non-practical range beca...
This work reports an analytical method for determining electrical resistivity (ρ) and sheet resistance (RS) of isotropic conductors. The method is compared with previous numerical solutions and available experimental data showing a universal behavior fo
Department of Physics, Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, AB Road, Raghogarh, 473226, Guna, India S. K. Tripathi, Amrita Jain & Ashish Gupta Department of Chemistry, Viva Institute of Technology, Thane, Maharashtra, India Manju Mishra Corresponding author Correspondence to S. K. Tr...
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