用来形容那些与电有关的职业,学科或其他事物,比如本身不带电,但需要插电的事物。大部分使用电的设备都可以算作是Electrical devices,也因此这一类设备会与Electric和Electronic有重合之处,其实他们本身的定义也有点模糊。 不过抛开这个层面,实际上Electrical这个单词更多的是被用来描述像电气工程师(Electrical Engineer)和...
"Electronic" is an adjective. “Electronic”是一个形容词。 It describes something that operates through the use of many small electrical parts, such as microchips. 它描述的是通过使用许多小型电子部件,如微芯片,来运转的东西。 In "electrical" devices, there is movement of a current, while "electr...
All of these devices, and many other common devices still in use today, such as light bulbs, vacuum cleaners, and toasters, are known aselectrical devices. So what exactly is the difference between electrical devices andelectronic devices? The answer lies in how...
可以看出electronic强调“信息”,而electrical侧重“能量属性”(强电,电力,电气),如手机和笔记本可以叫electronic devices, 但是electric drills(电钻), toasters(烤炉)等等叫 electrical devices。 另外, 只有electric (而不是electrical) 可以引伸为“激动,兴奋”的同义...
1. “Electronic” 指广泛使用电气技术和电路设计的设备、器材和系统,而 “Electric” 指涉及到电、电力和电流的更基本的概念和原理。例句:- The electronic devices in my room include a computer, TV, and phone.我房间内的电子设备包括电脑、电视和手机。- The electric current can be used to...
“Electronic”是一个形容词。 It describes something that operates through the use of many small electrical parts, such as microchips. 它描述的是通过使用许多小型电子部件,如微芯片,来运转的东西。 In "electrical" devices, there is movement of ...
Electronics Engineering(Electronic Engineering) is an engineering discipline where non-linear and active electrical components such as electron tubes, and semiconductor devices, especially transistors, diodes and integrated circuits, are utilized to design electronic circuits, devices and systems, typically als...
Manufacturing methods for copper alloy materials, electrical and electronic components, electronic devices, and copper alloy materials Manufacturing methods for copper alloy materials, electrical and electronic components, electronic devices, and copper alloy materials... 長野 真之 被引量: 0发表: 2022年 ...
The electrical and electronic devices can be applied to the tires combiners m. d. m. of operation of the hands, and signals of railwaysMONARD ALFRED
1.Introduction of electronic point-of-sale systems is improving efficiency.引进销售点电子系统提高了效率。2.Semiconductor devices can perform a variety of control functions in electronic equipment.半导体器件在电子设备中能起各式各样的控制作用。3.Translators can now work from home, via electronic mail ...