Plans for theelectric version of the SLS AMGhave been official since the 2009 Frankfurt Auto Show, but now it looks like Mercedes-Benz has built a prototype. Painted in bright yellow and wearing E-Cell badges, the final product is impressive, both in appearance and in statistics. Today, we...
"The SLS AMG Coupé Electric Drive is setting new standards for cars with electric drives. As the most powerful gullwing model ever, it is also representative of the enduring innovational strength of Mercedes-AMG. Our vision of the most dynamic electric vehicle has become a reality. With the h...
SLS AMG Electric Drive是梅赛德斯于2012年巴黎车展发布的一款电动跑车,限量不足100台,单台售价544236美元起。基于SLS AMG打造,梅赛德斯在车辆的四个轮胎后各装上了一
3.3万 2 2:16 App 3D驾驶课:奔驰大G洗车插队 111 -- 5:58 App 【Fast Lap系列】——Manhart MH2 160 -- 5:23 App 【Fast Lap系列】——路特斯Exige Komo-Tec 124 -- 5:36 App 【Fast Lap系列】——奥迪RS6 Avant 42 -- 5:30 App 【Fast Lap系列】——福特嘉年华ST 146 -- 11:31 ...
罕见321万元奔驰SLS AMG Electric Drive街拍网友跟帖请遵守《用户条款及隐私协议》 理性思考 文明跟帖 登录环球网|社交账号登录: 发表 热帖排行
Two years later it re-emerged as the SLS AMG Electric Drive, sending eyebrows soaring with the announcement that it was going into production at more than half a million US dollars a pop. People generally thought Mercedes had gone crazy. The numbers read as follows: Four 45kg electric...
Mercedes SLS AMG Electric Drive实车,前脸造型复古又很大气,灯组设计也是非常精致,鸥翼门造型更是帅气十足,内饰座椅采用了真皮包裹很有奢华质感,三幅式方向盘握感也是极为舒适,多幅Y型轮毂搭配橙色卡钳时尚又很运动。本文来源于汽车之家车家号作者,不代表汽车之家的观点立场。
The new SLS AMG Coupé Electric Drive is the second model in the brand’s rangeafter the B-Class conceptto incorporate the “Electric Drive” designation, which will be used on all battery-powered electric passenger cars from Mercedes-Benz, Mercedes-AMG and Smart. ...
【酷车鉴赏】蓝色幽灵镀铬SLS AMG Electric Drive,拥有740匹马力,采用全轮驱动的超级跑车。动力系统来自四个独立的永磁同步电动机,总功率达552kW(740hp),最大扭矩1000牛米0-100km / h加速3.9秒,最高速度限速为250km / h。2013年,将以416500欧元的价格在德国出售。 ...
蓝色幽灵镀铬SLS AMG Electric Drive,拥有740匹马力,采用全轮驱动的超级跑车。动力系统来自四个独立的永磁同步电动机,总功率达552kW(740hp),最大扭矩1000牛米0-100km / h加速3.9秒,最高速度限速为250km / h。2013年,将以416500欧元的价格在德国出售。 2宣城·宣城市四中 ...