A-multi-level-control-architecture-for-master-slave-organized-microgrids-with-power-electronic-interfaces_2014_Electric-Power-Systems-Research 热度: US Navy Electric Power Distribution Systems Operations NAVFAC MO 201 热度: ElectricPowerSystemsResearch81(2011)1866–1873 ...
“Electric Power Systems Research”.Customersrequestelectricutilitiestodeliverelectricpowerinastable,reliable,secure,andsustainablemanner from a generation system through transmission and distribution systems to end-users.Consequently, the need to develop advanced technologies and novel methods applied to the ...
electric power systems research英文文献.pdf,Available online at Electric Power Systems Research 78 (2008) 209–216 Investigation of mechanical properties of single layer ACSR based on an Integrated Model Fang Liu a,∗, Raymond D. Findlayb a Hangzhou Di
Electric Power Systems Research j our na l ho me p a ge: . el sevi er . com/ l ocat e/ epsr Assessing circuit breaker performance using condition-based data and Bayesian approach Satish Natti ∗,1 , Mladen Kezunovic 2 The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M ...
Electric Power Systems Research 81 (2011) 1796–1804Contents lists available at ScienceDirectElectric Power Systems Researchj ou rn a l h om epa g e: www. el sevi er. com /l oca te/epsrAssessing circuit breaker performance using condition-based data and BayesianapproachSatish Natti∗,1, Ml...
Kezunovic / Electric Power Systems Research 81 (2011) 1796–1804 [3] L. Bertling, R. Allan, R. Eriksson, A reliability-centered asset maintenance method for assessing the impact of maintenance in power distribution systems, IEEE Trans. Power Syst. 20 (1) (2005) 75–82. [4] Y. Jiang...
select article A double ended AC series arc fault location algorithm for a low-voltage indoor power line using impedance parameters and a neural network Research articleAbstract only A double ended AC series arc fault location algorithm for a low-voltage indoor power line using impedance parameters ...
select article A binary coded brain storm optimization for fault section diagnosis of power systems Research articleAbstract only A binary coded brain storm optimization for fault section diagnosis of power systems Guojiang Xiong, Dongyuan Shi, Jing Zhang, Yao Zhang ...
征稿信息 万维提示: 1、投稿方式:在线投稿。 2、期刊网址: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/electric-power-systems-research/issues 3、投稿网址:https://www.editorialmanager.com/epsr/ 4、期刊刊期:月刊,一年出版12期。 2022年8月9日星期二Electric Power Systems Research《电力系统研究》相关杂志 Ele...
Electric Power Systems Research创刊于1977年,由Elsevier BV出版商出版,收稿方向涵盖工程技术 - 工程:电子与电气全领域,此刊是中等级别的SCI期刊,所以过审相对来讲不是特别难,但是该刊专业认可度不错,仍然是一本值得选择的SCI期刊 。平均审稿速度 一般,3-6周 约9.1周,影响因子指数3.3,该期刊近期没有被列入国际期...