静电势能(electrostatic potential energy)静电势能是把一个电荷从无穷远处移动到这个位置需要做的功。 静电势能的符号: U 图示: 计算公式: U =\frac{q_1q_2}{4\pi\epsilon_0R} \\其中 U 是静电势能,单位焦耳q…
electric-potential-energy网页 图片 视频 学术 词典 航班 electric-potential-energy网络电势能;电位能;静电势能 网络释义 1. 电势能 2011中学物理 英文词汇_百度文库 ... 伏特(电压的单位) volt 电势能 electric potential energy 等势面 equi-potential surface ... wenku.baidu.com|基于113个网页 2. 电位能 ...
electrostatic field energyparticle's electrical potential energywork-energy theoremThis chapter deals with concepts of importance to dielectrophoresis, namely the work done and the potential energy associated with interactions between charged particles and electric fields. The concept of electrical potential ...
potentialenergy 1.accordingtothefieldsourcechargejudgment:fromthe positivechargenearthepotentialishigher,theelectric potentialtestpositivechargehigherelectricpotential negativechargetestissmaller;fromthenegativechargenear thepotentialislow,theinspectionelectricpotential positivechargeissmall,theelectricpotentialtestnegative ...
Related to Electric potential energy:electric field ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. electrical energy- energy made available by the flow of electric charge through a conductor; "they built a car that runs on electricity" ...
2.电势能(electric potential energy)(1)定义:电荷在电场中具有的势能,叫做电势能,静电力做的功等于电势能的,用公式表示(2)电荷在某点的电势
在静电学里,电势能(Electric potential energy)是处于电场的电荷分布所具有的势能,与电荷分布在系统内部的组态有 关。电势能的单位是焦耳。电势能与电势不同。电势定义为处于电场的电荷所具有的电势能每单位电荷。电势的单位是伏特 。 如果核外电子绕核旋转半径是确定的,那么根据以上公式,连续X射线能Ex1应该等于用电...
Determine electric potential energy given potential difference and amount of charge. Figure 1. A charge accelerated by an electric field is analogous to a mass going down a hill. In both cases potential energy is converted to another form. Work is done by a force, but since this force is ...
energyelectric电势势能potentialcapacitor Chapter19 ElectricPotentialEnergy andthe ElectricPotential 19.5CapacitorsandDielectrics Aparallelplatecapacitorconsistsoftwo metalplates,onecarryingcharge+qand theothercarryingcharge–q. Itiscommontofilltheregionbetween theplateswithanelectricallyinsulating substancecalledadielectric...
V(electric potantial)=U/q, is this U electric potential energy? I assume potential difference is ΔV Yes and yes. Part of the distinction lies in the distinction between the force on a particle or the energy of that particle, and the things CAUSING that particle to have energy or to...