WorkandElectricPotential APPLIEDPHYSICSANDCHEMISTRYELECTRICITYLECTURE4 Work Remember:WorkisusingaforcetomovesomethingadistanceW=Fd Foranelectriccharge:Workisdonewhenaforcemovesatestchargefartherawayfromanegativesourcecharge Weareincreasingthepotentialenergyofthetestcharge Workisproportionaltothemagnitudeofthechargemoved ...
work-energy theoremThis chapter deals with concepts of importance to dielectrophoresis, namely the work done and the potential energy associated with interactions between charged particles and electric fields. The concept of electrical potential energy can be applied to the general case of charged ...
Related to electric potential:electric current,electric field,Electric Potential Difference,Electric potential energy electric potential n. The work per unit of charge required to move a charge from a reference point to a specified point, measured in joules per coulomb or volts. The static electric ...
Example2Work,ElectricPotentialEnergy,andElectric PotentialTheworkdonebytheelectricforceasthetestcharge(q0=+2.0×10–6C)movesfromAtoBisWAB=+5.0×10–5J.(a)Findthedifference,∆U=UB–UA,intheelectricpotentialenergiesofthechargebetweenthesepoints.(b)Determinethepotentialdifference,∆V=VB–VA,between...
Potential Energy W= –ΔPE. For example, workWdone to accelerate a positive charge from rest is positive and results from a loss in PE, or a negative ΔPE. There must be a minus sign in front of ΔPE to makeWpositive. PE can be found at any point by taking one point as a refere...
All that matters is the difference in potential energy between two points. And that's the PE of a particular particle. That tells you how much work you need to move the particle from point A to point B. Analogously, U/q = V is a relative quantity. It's called the electric potential...
24.4: Electric Potential and Potential Difference Suppose a positive test charge moves away from a positive static charge, then the Coulomb force does positive work, and its electric potential energy decreases. The potential energy per unit charge is defined as the electric potential. The electric...
The electric potential energy of the group of charges is equal to the work done to assemble the charges from infinity to their present configuration. The electric potential energy of the group of the charges can be negative or positive....
2. The electric potential difference V between any two points i and f in an electric field is equal to the difference in potential energy per unit charge between the two point: V V V U W . The potential difference between two f i q q point is thus the negative of the work done by...
we find that it moves away fromqfixedand gains kinetic energy which is exactly equal to the energy we used to moveqtesttowardqfixed. We say that the energy we used to moveqtestwas stored aspotential energy,U. We define the potential at any place A in space as being the work done to...