This study is motivated by the potential of 3D-FEBIDs to (1) succeed in the fabrication of all-metal 3D nanoprobes for advanced electric AFM measurements with yet unachieved performances and (2) to produce such 3D nanoprobes on challenging surfaces, such as a prefinished AFM cantilever, where...
Therefore, proper hourly charging scenarios are Energies 2023, 16, 2555 5 of 24 essential, while the protection of instability and potential aging induced in the grid is crucial [31]. Likewise, the limited range parameter is mainly affected by vehicle speed, traffic and partially the exploitation...
After the SOC reaches the threshold, the vehicle is powered by the engine and the battery together, which is a process called CS mode [4,5]. As this strategy is not a blended strategy, it makes the charge deplete in the whole trip. CD-CS is not able to fully exploit the potential ...