历史记录 创作中心 投稿 专栏/Electric Motors and Drives 2020年07月17日 20:54621浏览·1点赞·18评论 tinyboyteeny 粉丝:651文章:2 关注 GIF 分享到: 投诉或建议 NO.018505 神子chan 没有中文版 2023-10-04 19:50 JKinghdh 哪位大哥好心人能不能分享一下,感谢 ...
这第四版电子版真难找……不过倒是google到了~愉快地开始看———用了近20天,总算是把它啃完了一遍,不过发现还需再过两遍回味一下。 1 有用 豆友3yYigdzPOc 2023-04-18 09:38:47 河北 谁有这本电子版啊求助 我要写书评 Electric Motors and Drives的书评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) 读书笔记 ·...
当当中国进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《【预订】Electric Motors and Drives: Fundamentals, Types, and Applications》。最新《【预订】Electric Motors and Drives: Fundamentals, Types, and Applications》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网
Electric Motors and Drives is intended for non-specialist users of electric motors and drives, filling the gap between theory-based academic textbooks and the more prosaic 'handbooks', which provide useful detail but little opportunity for the development of real insight and understanding. The book ...
Electric Motors and Drives is intended for non-specialist users of electric motors and drives, filling the gap between maths- and theory-based academic textbooks and the more prosaic 'handbooks', which provide useful detail but little opportunity for the development of real insight and understanding...
Written for non-specialist users of electric motors and drives, this book explains how electric drives work and compares the performance of the main systems, with many examples of applications. The author's approach - using a minimum of mathematics - has made this book equally popular as an ou...
内容提示: EML 2322L – MAE Design and Manufacturing Laboratory Electric Motors and Drives To calculate the peak power and torque produced by an electric motor, you will need to know the following: • Motor supply voltage, Vs [V] • Peak motor current, Is [amps] • Peak motor ...
2 electric motors and drives: fundamentals, types and applications, fifth edition is intended primarily for non-specialist users or students of electric motors and drives, but many researchers and specialist industrialists have also acknowledged its value in providing a clear understanding of the ...
ABB's Automation Products Division, world's largest manufacturer of electric motors and drives, provide several innovative technologies that include direct torque control (DTC), which is an optimized AC drive control principle where inverter switching directly controls the flux and torque of the electri...