Kachakhidze, N., Kachakhidze, M., Kereselidze, Z., and Ramishvili, G.: Specific variations 20 of the atmospheric electric field potential gradient as a possible precursor of Caucasus earthquakes, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 9, 1221-1226, doi:10.5194/nhess-9-1221-2009, 2009....
The electric potential (in volts), defined as the work done in bringing a unit of positive charge from infinity to that point, can be derived from Maxwell’s equation and is related to the electric field, as shown in Equation 12.3; [12.3]−∇ϕ=E where ϕ is the electric ...
The gradient of the electric field is the second derivative of the electrostatic potential, and as such, it obeys certain symmetries; The EFG is a symmetric tensor with zero trace. This mean that it can be represented as a physical object; An ellipsoid where off-diagonal elements represents re...
electric potential n. The work per unit of charge required to move a charge from a reference point to a specified point, measured in joules per coulomb or volts. The static electric field is the negative of the gradient of the electric potential. ...
Using the first-principles full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method in the atomic sphere approximation, we have calculated the electronic structure of the intermetallic compound , and evaluated the electric field gradients (EFGs) at all of the three inequivalent positions (two Hf and one Fe...
Silva,J Matthews,A Bennett,J Chubb 摘要: Spectral response of Atmospheric Electric Potential Gradient (PG), symmetric to the Atmospheric Electric Field, gives important information about phenomena affecting these measurements with characteristic time-scales that appear in the spectra as specific ...
Significantly, continuously raising the frequency while maintaining the strength of the electric field caused a broad redshift in the reflection band of more than 300 nm, spanning almost the entire visible band, to the central wavelength of 760 nm as the frequency was 116.0 kHz. The ...
We establish a relation between the binding energy and the electric-field gradient tensor (EFG) for each atom, which indicates that hyperfine interactions can be used to probe the binding and stability of adatoms on graphene. The EFG is also shown to be a fingerprint for the local ...
Thus E is referred to variously as the ‘electric field strength,’ the ‘electric field intensity’ (or ‘electric intensity,’ in brief), or simply, the ‘electric vector.’ A greater degree of nonuniformity affects the naming of B and H. The former is often referred to as the ‘...
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