3 tube y Sandstone beige 1 6"x9" oval (4 ohm) 145 30001 (hunch), 30031 (1962-7-10 issue 2 amp schematic), 30177 (1965-04-15 issue 3 amp schematic), 30453 (known) 30856 (note 15, 1963-01-21 circuit modification) 856 954 10 720 Release could be Nov. 1962, as above. Or, as...
detecting circuitry10A and the wiring of the detection coil11bwith the foreign-object detecting circuitry10A are made different from each other, so that the detection signals in the directions that are opposite to each other flow to the two mutually adjacent detection coils11aand11b.According to th...
we applied ECIS electric fence (EF) method, an alternative to electrical wounding, to assess the effects of different surface coatings on human keratinocyte (HaCaT) migration. The EF prevents inoculated cells from attaching or migrating to the fenced electrode surface while maintaining the integrity ...