Buy Deer Electric Fencing and Fence Energizers from to stop deer and bears from stomping on your flowerbeds.
Bears are curious and driven to find food, so they may just wander into your shed or garage. If they do, it could spell trouble for you. Maine Warden Service bear biologist Jen Vachon advises never, ever cornering a bear. If they feel trapped, they will fight. So if you come across ...
New York black bears are hungry. As colder weather approaches and they get ready for their long winter's nap, food is a high priority. So what do you do if you have one of their favorite snacks on your property? Bears are constantly spotted roaming Hudson Valley neighborhoods looking for ...
Bears are curious and driven to find food, so they may just wander into your shed or garage. If they do, it could spell trouble for you. Maine Warden Service bear biologist Jen Vachon advises never, ever cornering a bear. If they feel trapped, they will fight. So if you come across ...
from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC). "If you have (or are thinking about getting) chickens, bees or other livestock, a properly installed and maintained electric fence is the best way to keep them safe and avoid conflicts with bears and other wildlife"....
insidethefence. •Toprovideadditionalprotectionagainsttheft,placeenergizerandbatteryinahivebody modifiedtoexcludebees. •Placeactivehivebodiesabovetheonecontainingtheelectronicequipment. •Althoughbearsseldombreakthroughaproperlyconstructedandmaintainedfence,some ...
Summer is here, school is out and families are gearing up for a few months of fun and relaxation. Summer brings fun in the sun, but it can also bring the occasional severe storm. Blog July 8, 2024 at 3:23 p.m. Keep Your Cool When the Texas heat bears down, there’s one applia...
The tree bears astonishing crops. The produce of many single trees of this kind has been known to sell for ten guineas. It is equal in beauty to any fruit tree whatever : it is never known to canker." Agr. Surv. Stirlings., p. 202. GOWDIE, 8. The Dragonet, a fish, Loth. "...