It has been recently claimed that the axion coupling to fermions is responsible for an oscillating electric dipole moment (EDM) in the background of axion dark matter. In this work, we re-examine the derivation of this effect. Contrary to previous studies, we point out the physical relevance...
Electric Potential Of A Dipole And System Of Charges Torque on an Electric Dipole in a Uniform Electric Field Magnetic Dipole Moment Electric potential due to a Dipole (V) Suppose there are two charges, “–q”, placed at A, and “+q” placed at B, separated by a distance “d...
摘要: A derivation of the electric dipole sum rule is given, which takes nuclear recoil into account and eliminates redundant coordinates.关键词:physics dipoles electric moments nuclear structure quantum mechanics recoils DOI: 10.1016/0029-5582(60)90468-5 被引量: 4 ...
By using input parameters obtained from the lattice calculation, we derive a conservative limit for the contributions of the CP violating operators. We also show the detail of the derivation of the sum rules.关键词: Elastic scattering large transferred momenta ...
In this article we would find the electric field due to a line charge . By line charge we mean that charge is distributed along the one dimensional curve or line ll in space. Here in this article we would find electric field due to finite line charge derivation for two cases electric ...
Because the electrons and holes are separated in space and bound with each other by the Coulomb interaction, the exciton in a bilayer system can be seen as a charge neutral electric dipole (as shown in Fig. 1a). On the other hand, superconductivity has been one of the central subjects ...
Abstract We construct the classical interaction Lagrangian for an electric chargeqand a magnetic dipolemin relative motion. In the rest frame ofmthe resulting force acting onqisfq=qE+c−1v×B+c−1q(v⋅∇)A. Application to the Aharonov-Bohm (AB), and the equivalent Spavieri effect, ...
Dipole Dipole moment Electric Electric field Electrostatic field Energy Field Potential Potential energy Torque and rotation In summary, the derivation of potential energy for a dipole in an electric field involves calculating the work done by an external agent in turning the dipole against the influenc...
It should be pointed out that the derivation of Eq. (11.21) is based on the assumption that the membrane is homogenous. For membranes that are not homogeneous, flux enhancement is expected to deviate from the predictions of this equation. Membrane properties that generally do not affect steady ...
3.3 The Maxwell Equation Derivation The incident electric field strength E0(r, t) at a point r and at time t is a plane wave with wavevector k0 and frequency ω, (3.8)E0(r,t)=E0exp{i[k0⋅r−ωt]}, where E0 is the amplitude of the incident field strength. The total electric...