electronics Article Model-Driven Developed Terminal for Remote Control of Charging Station for Electric Vehicles Powered by Renewable Energy Jovan Vujasinovic´ *, Goran Savic´ and Milan Prokin School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia * Correspondence: jovan....
(i.e., the response of EV users to specific DR requests) includes, for each monitored EV: the acquisition time of the set of information, the user ID code, the EV ID code, the EV model ID code, the current GPS location of the EV and its current SOC, the ID code of the DR ...
tFimore choomripzoanriss.o Fnopr ucorpmopsaersi,son we ipmuprpleomseesn, twede ismevpelnemfoernetceads tsienvgetne cfohrneicqausetisnrge ptercehsneniqtiunegs aresppreecsternutmingo fac sopmecmtrounmly ouf sceodmmmaocnhliyn ue sed learmniancghain...