英文PPT电磁学Electric_Change 电磁学(Electromagnetism)Thecombinationofelectricalandmagneticphenomena ElectricChargeandElectricField 1.StaticElectricity2.ElectricChargeandItsConservation3.InsulatorsandConductors4.InducedCharge5.Coulomb’sLaw NewWordsandExpressions staticcharge quantized elementarychargeconductorinsulatorinduce...
Electric Charge and Electric Field Static Electricity – Unmoving charge Two types Positive – lack of electrons Negative – excess electrons Like charges - Repel Opposite Charges - Attract Electric Charges Charge can be induced by rubbing an object – View demonstrations Charge is detected using an...
PhysicsII-week1-Electric Charges and Electric Field Electrostatics(静电学)Chapter19ElectricChargeandElectricFieldChapter20Gauss'sLawChapter21ElectricPotentialChapter22Capacitance,Dielectrics,ElectricEnergyStorage •Chapter19ElectricChargeandElectricField •Whatistheoriginofforces?–Sofarweconsideredonlyonetrueforce–...
Electric Charge and Field BasicsFundamental charges are carried by electrons (negative) and protons(positive). Charge on the electron is – 1.6 x ..
Electric Field Lines Combinations of charges. Note that, while the lines are less dense where the field is weaker, the field is not necessarily zero where there are no lines. In fact, there is only one point within the figures below where the field is zero – can you find it?
Chapter12ElectricchargeandelectricfieldChap.19,20 7.1Electricchargeanditsconservation19-1,5 1.chargequantization Twotypesofelectriccharge; positivechargeandnegativecharge Property:unlikechargesattract;likechargesrepel Unit:C(coulomb), C(microcoulomb), 6 110CC -4 Electricchargeisquantized(discrete)P461 ()...
Chapter12ElectricchargeandelectricfieldChap.19,207.1Electricchargeanditsconservation19-1,51.chargequantization Two typesofelectriccharge;positivechargeandnegativecharge Property:Unit:unlikechargesattract;likechargesrepel C(coulomb),C(microcoulomb),1C10 6 C Electricchargeis...
《物理电学》英文版教学课件Electric Fields.ppt,Electric Fields The space around every electric charge is filled with an electric field which extends through space. Every charge can exert forces on other charges around it without actually being in contact
The equipotential lines are the dashed blue lines The electric field lines are the brown lines The equipotential lines are everywhere perpendicular to the field lines E lines and V surface for an Infinite Sheet of Charge E and V for a Dipole E and V for a Point Charge 等電位面與電場分佈...
内容提示: Electric Fields • The space around every electric charge is filled with an electric field which extends through space. • Every charge can exert forces on other charges around it without actually being in contact with the other charges and this force This is an example of a ...