Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology International is firmly established as the world’s leading international showcase for technology and innovation in electric, hybrid and fuel-cell vehicle development and manufacture.
展会基本信息 2025年德国电动车展-欧洲电动车展(Electric Hybrid Vehicle Tech)是欧洲地区唯一的一个关于电动车技术的巡回展,定于2025年6月3日至6月5日在德国斯图加特的新斯图加特展览中心(Messe Stuttgart)盛大举行。该展会每年一届,以其专业性和规模性吸引了全球电动车行业的专业人士和企业前来参展和交流。展会...
德国斯图加特新能源车展览会Electric Hybrid Vehicle Tec提供了一个无与伦比的机会与/电动汽车技术的制造商 网络与全球代表整个电动和混合动力汽车制造业供应链 你会获得一个全面了解最新的电动汽车系统、组件和技术以及最先进的设计,生产流程,技术进步和趋势,以便你有效管理成本和性能,给客户提供他们最需要的产品。 同期...
Electric vehicle (EV) and hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) technologies are on a roll. Major automotive manufacturers around the world have unveiled or are on the verge of unveiling many such cars for the market, as all of these companies are eager to adopt the technology.rnThat's not ...
The Battery Show and EVT Expo is moving! Now entering its 14th year, North America's largest advanced battery event will take over Huntington Place in Downtown Detroit this October. Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo brings together engineers, business leaders, top-industry companies, and...
Looking for Pure-electric Powertrain news? At Electric Hybrid Vehicle Technology you will find the latest news for those working in electric & hybrid vehicle R&D and manufacturing.
The Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo brings together engineers, business leaders, and top-industry companies to create powerful solutions for the future.
So, it’s fitting that engineers and automakers return annually to the region of the car’s beginning to look to the future of automobiles. Be part of the auto electrification transformation at the Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology Expo in Stuttgart. ...
Silicon Mobility has introduced a new semiconductor architecture call the Field Programmable Control Unit