WASHINGTON – Tellers read off the presidential results for each state, in alphabetical order, as Congress gathered in a joint session Monday tocertify President-elect Donald Trump’s victoryahead ofhis Jan. 20 inauguration. When the tellers announced Texas’ 40 Electoral Colleg...
While the number of Electoral College votes has remained at 538 since 1964, the number of votes per state changes to match congressional apportionment after the decennial census. Between the 2020 election and the 2024 election, Texas gained two Electoral College votes, while five other states — ...
In most states, it's winner-take-all — whoever gets the most votes in the state winsall of its electoral votes. In Maine and Nebraska, the rules are slightly different. They have aproportional representation systemin which the winner of each congressional district is awarded one electoral vot...
For example, in Texas there are 38 electoral votes. If Trump wins the state by one vote, he still gets all 38 of the state’s electoral votes. Voter turnout in 2016 presidential election “So, it doesn’t truly reflect what happens in the state,” Alexander said. “This is another wa...
However, as proponents of the Electoral College point out, if you thought that recount in Florida in 2000 was nasty, imagine a nationwide recount of more than 130 million votes. THAT would be messy. And it could happen. 然而,正如选举人团制度的支持者指出的那样,如果你认为2000年佛罗里达州的重...
J.R.A. in St. Petersburg, FL, writes: Concerning the letter from A.L. in Highland Park, which seems to me to essentially be questioning whether Arab-Americans should be held responsible for their votes which could be construed as having cost Harris the election, this quote that has been...
electoral votes in the seven principal battleground states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — as well as Nebraska’s 2nd District in play for a possible tie, with the outcomes in those contests varying a...
electoral votes in the seven principal battleground states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — as well as Nebraska’s 2nd District in play for a possible tie, with the outcomes in those contests varying across all ...
Going in alphabetical order, Harris in her role as president of the Senate will open each state’s certificate of electoral votes and hand them to one of the four “tellers” – a pair of them coming from both the House and Senate. The teller will then read, record, and tally the cert...
He racked up victories in all seven swing states, from the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt, to clinch 312 electoral votes. Steve Shepard Politics editor Updated Feb. 25, 2025, 5:17 p.m. GMT+8 Live Results ElectoralStates Leading/Won Dem GOP...