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like introducing messaging legislation that will never see the floor of the House. If and when the blue team decides to roll up their sleeves and get dirty, there ARE things they can do that will hurt the GOP a fair bit. For example, as long as Trump and Musk are doing end runs arou...
Not only did he aid the careers of many important Black artists, in genres including jazz, rhythm and blues, and rock and roll, he also opened the eyes and ears of many white people to Black music. He was also leader of civil rights activism in Los Angeles. Mae Jemison: We thought ...
The Democratic Party allowed itself to get caught flat-footed, such that a disproportionate number of state legislative chambers went red. Oops. The blue team is doing what it can to learn from its mistakes, and also to try to undo the damage that resulted from its negligence. And so, ...
Interacting directly with historical documents, and learning about some of the nuances and subtleties that you don't really get exposed to unless you roll up your sleeves and jump in. To take an example, do you know what it meant when a denizen of the 18th/19th centuries wrote "Monday pro...
My eyes roll at his sense of his own competence. As for alternatives, I've used "The Muppet(-in-chief)" more than once. His skin's orange, his hair's outrageous, he's easily manipulated, and the cherry on top is that it's British slang for "idiot." T.W. in Norfolk, England,...
The telephone directory was searched for each subject's telephone number and the electoral roll was searched for each subject. Subject characteristics for those who were present in each of these sampling frames were compared with the characteristics of those subjects not included in the sampling ...
Electoral Roll. If your name is not on the Electoral Roll, then you will not be allowed to vote. Hence, it is advisable to check your name on the Photo Electoral Roll right away to ensure that you do not lose out on the opportunity to vote in the upcoming 2019 and ...
compared with male legislators. Building on the literature on women's substantive representation, it is argued that the advocacy of women's interests by female representatives depends on a number of factors, namely party affiliation, contact with women's organisations, electoral district, and ...