He said developing democracy requires a Hong Kong approach, not a Western democratic model. It will protect the freedom of people in Hong Kong in a better way, Fung said.RELATED STORIES China by Numbers: Education system improvements Video 14:49, 01-Oct-2024 Analyst: France'...
Questioning the Effects of Democracy: Electoral Competition and Public Good Provision in MexicoBecerra Mizuno, Elda LorenaFernandez Martinez, Marco Antonio
Given the deteriorating working environment in the LegCo in recent years, entrusting the Election Committee with the function of electing a relatively large share of LegCo members will improve Hong Kong's democracy and enable Hong Kong to focus on developing the economy and improving...
Still, one cannot deny the importance of electoral competition in a democracy and hence, a measure of competition calls for an in-depth theoretical analysis. In this paper, we ask this basic question: how should we measure the degree of electoral competitiveness? Specifically, suppose we have ...
To assess the impact of electoral violence on the monthly food price indices, we use the staggered difference-in-difference method proposed by de Chaisemartin and D'Haultfoeuille (2022). This method allows us to estimate the effect of a county experiencing fatalities related to electoral ...
Without doubt electoral democracy has failed to work in Zimbabwe, it might have worked in Zambia, South Africa and Botswana but in Zimbabwe electoral democracy ...
In the long run, the effect of the Trump Presidency and the many other incredible fruits of electoral democracy over the last few years from the perspective of countries in the global North might be to engender a certain level of humility in preaching the message of electoral democracy around ...
American Democracy Liven Up! How Electoral Reform Can Rejuvinate American DemocracyLiven Up! How Electoral Reform Can Rejuvinate American DemocracyRyan, Mary
Democratic Pieces: Electoral Authoritarianism and Disaggregated DemocracyMiller, MichaelMiller, Michael K. 2010. Democratic pieces: Hybrid regimes and disaggregated democracy. Working paper.
When Electoral Democracy Goes Bad: Examining Administrative Discourses on Democracy Before and After the Electoral Wins of Hamas and HezbollahAlSumait, FahedClark, Rebecca Lynne