Baldwin and Hovde further clashed over the future of abortion rights with the incumbent stressing she would continue to lead efforts to legislatively enshrine the protections ofRoe v. Wadeinto law. “Your rights and freedoms should not depend on your zip code or the state in which you live,”...
Publications Reports
It was provided by email in a ZIP archive named 2014.04.07-Elections A representative of the Washington Office of the Secretary of State Elections Division provided this description: It looks like Results_Candidate includes the total votes cast for that candidate in that election, while...
For a Vote Center near you click on the “SEARCH” button below. We will try to determine your nearest Vote Center, but the results may be inconsistent based on your device’s security settings. The full list of Vote Centers is below, and you can filter by zip code to find a Vote Ce...
We will try to determine your nearest Early Voting Location, but the results may be inconsistent based on your device’s security settings. The full list of Early Voting Locations is below, and you can filter by zip code to find a location near you! Find My Nearest Early Voting Location ...
combined with ZIP Code-level data on newspaper readership and vote totals. Estimates suggest that this endorsement's persuasion rate was similar to those reported in previous research on major-party endorsements, despite the substantial barriers faced by third parties and their potential supporters. Thi...
Elections matter, just not in all the ways you might think to an investor. Of course, they hold great importance in upholding the U.S. tradition of democratic, representative government. However, their impact on market returns has historically proven to be negligible, as shown in the chart be...
By the time voters get toward the bottom of that six-foot-long ballot, fatigue will set in. Many voters will give up before they find the bottom of the ballot. That is a fact: the longer a ballot, the more likely it is that voters don’t complete it. Montanans - our local governme...
find ./Desktop/open-elections-data-by-state-and-precinct/ -type f -iname \*.zip -delete find ./Desktop/open-elections-data-by-state-and-precinct/ -type f -iname \*.gz -delete expand_moreView more Usability info 8.24 License Other (specified in description) Expected update frequency ...