Nearly all regions of Florida have moved right compared to 2020. Miami-Dade County saw the largest shift, moving 18 points toward Republicans, flipping the county from Democratic to Republican this election. Kamala Harris wins New Jersey, securing 14 electoral votes (8:31 p.m. ET) The Associa...
In Miami-Dade County, there are 33 locations. In Broward County, there are 29 locations. In Monroe County, there are two locations. In Orange County, there are 22 locations. In Palm Beach County, there are 29 locations. Does Florida release early voting results before Election Day? The el...
Hundreds of Miami-Dade County ballots were found on the side of the road The elections department in Florida’s largest county confirmed Tuesday that a sealed bin and a sealed bag had been found by a driver and the ballots inside had already...
Recall election.(MIAMI-DADE)(Board of County Commissioners)(Brief article)BroderSinger, Rochelle
Miami-Dade wasn’t the only county where Nelson and Gillum under-performed Clinton – but as the largest county its shift had the biggest impact. More needs to be said about Nelson dropping the ball to Scott with Puerto Rican’s in central Florida and the further shift of the southwest to...
The investigation was sparked by a request from candidate Shirley B. Johnson, the former secretary-treasurer of the 15,800-member union, which represents teachers in the Miami-Bade County school dist...
That included a remarkable turnaround in Miami-Dade in Florida. Two thirds of the county is Latino, putting it in the top 1% of the country. It's a massive county, with over 250,000 voters, and the last Republican to win there was George H W Bush 36 years ago. ...
Donald Trump romped through the increasingly red state, including flipping Miami-Dade County, once a Democratic stronghold. By Ali Bianco and Charlie Mahtesian11/05/2024, 10:29pm ET Florida wasn’t considered in play Tuesday, and now it’s clear why. The one-time swing state moved even hard...
The Cuban vote roared in Miami-Dade County now that Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez got elected to congress. He was booed at a Trump rally for supporting mask mandates and lockdowns Matt Friedman Reporter and author of New Jersey Playbook ...
Miami votes also not yet on the board. GOP has a 151k-ish lead without Miami. That can disappear quick, though. It’s like an R+2 turnout in Florida, but unclear if that will be enough for Republicans to hold off a late surge of votes on the board Matthew DixonPOLITICO Florida's...