Read the latest streaming news and analysis on Joe BIden and the 2020 Presidential Election. Follow today's top polls, candidates, primaries, fundraising, debates and more with POLITICO.
Read the latest streaming news and analysis on Donald Trump and the 2020 Presidential Election. Follow today's top polls, candidates, primaries, fundraising, debates and more with POLITICO.
A mobile-friendly, riding-by-riding election results map for provincial and federal elections. The interactive map goes live after polls close, updates throughout the night and may include demographic data (e.g. age, income, population). Photo galleries and maps tracking the leaders' appearances...
Pre-election polls: Governing party trailing in Canada; Paul Martin faces a stiff challenge in retaining his post as prime ministerASSOCIATED PRESS
Canada did not grant all women the right to vote in federal elections until 1918. However, a temporary measure in 1917 allowed female members of the military and female relatives of soldiers the right to vote. READ ALSO:VIDEO: Canadians will head to the polls for a federal election on Sept...
3.(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in the US) a national or state election or (in Canada) a federal or provincial election in contrast to a local election Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, ...
Latest Federal Opinion Polls Canada 2025: CPC expected to form next government with over 200 seats and LPC may fall to around 55-70 seats. Best CM in India 2024: Yogi Aditynath Has Highest Approval Rating December 16, 2024 Best CM in India: Yogi Aditynath Tops the List Followed by Mamata...
Not only have polls and prediction markets tilted recently toward Donald Trump winning the presidential election, they are also pointing to Republicans flipping the Senate and retaining control of the House. A GOP sweep would give Trump a freer hand to enact his ag...
Liberals brace for a tough parliamentary session without NDP help Liu’s map forecasts that not a single Liberal riding would remain either in the North or Western Canada, and that the party’s caucus would consist almost entirely of urban ridings in either Montreal or Ottawa. The new Abacus...
South Africa’s national election was held on May 29, 2024. It was the toughest one yet for the African National Congress (ANC), the ruling party since 1994, which won only about 40 percent of the vote.