Map of election results. Use arrow keys to move around the map. Press Enter to view state-level map. Fla.30 Ga.16 Hawaii4 Idaho4 Ill.19 Ind.11 Iowa6 Kan.6 Ky.8 La.8 Maine4 Mich.15 Minn.10 Miss.6 Mo.10 Mont.4 Neb.5 Nev.6 N.M.5 N.Y.28 N.C.16 N.D.3 Ohio17 Okla...
But Fischer avoided defeat, aided surely by her state's red lean. With around three-fourths of the expected vote reporting, she leads by about 5 points, 52.6% to 47.4%. If you look at the map below, you'll see that Osborn carried the major counties of Douglas (Omaha) and Lancaster ...
An interactive US presidential, senate, house, and governor map for election results and projections. Written in HTML/CSS/JS javascriptusaelectionfivethirtyeighthistorical-dataelection-datapresidential-elections UpdatedJan 25, 2025 JavaScript jforbes14/eechidna ...
This story map highlights our Report For America corps members’ coverage of all of the twists and turns of this election year. The map is organized chronologically by these major events, with another section highlighting more election coverage pertaining to voter perspectives and important issues on...
Texas, the biggest prize on the Super Tuesday map, went easily to Clinton and home-state senator Cruz, with heavy turnout lifting both candidates to broad victories. With more than 1.2 million of the roughly 2.8 million votes cast in the Republican primary, Cruz defeated Trump 43.8 percent to...
Deep divisions ahead of 2024 presidential electionOther US presidents who decided against second term'Do something!' Michelle Obama tells DNC In an international broadcast exclusive, Sky News will have the fastest and most accurate race projections that will originate from the renowned NB...
“My point is, if that’s the issue, if it’s real estate, if you look at a map, and say here is how much Israel has and here is how much the Arab states hold, there is plenty of land.” CNN reached out to Huckabee and the Trump transition team for comment on whether Huckabe...
Nov 2024 | On the ground Dems are worried it's Blue Wall or bust for Kamala Harris The anxiety was palpable. By Lisa Kashinsky and Holly Otterbein11/05/2024, 11:20pm ET Democrats who were once bullish that Kamala Harris could expand the map are now worried it’s the Blue Wall or b...
But GOP operatives granted anonymity to speak candidly believe the current House map is promising, though some Republicans privately acknowledge they could potentially have an even thinner majority than before. Johnson, who is expected again to seek the House gavel if the GOP maintains its major...
This will be the first primary the state holds under its new congressional map, which was enacted in February and could give Democrats a modest advantage in a couple key House races this fall. The race to watch: New York’s 16th district where incumbent Democratic Rep. Jamaal Bowman faces...