UPDATE: On July 21, 2024, incumbent President Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential election race, opening up a space for a new candidate for the Democratic Party. Shortly after, he officially endorsed his Vice President, Kamala Harris, as the Democratic Party candidate. On August 22...
“We have always believed it to be truly important that there is a constant dialogue between ourselves and our clients, especially concerning the services themselves. After all, it’s our clients that use the systems day in, day out, so it essential that their needs are fulfilled. As...
Donald Trump’s rally in Las Vegas caps a four-day swing through the West Coast and Southwest. | John Locher/AP Photo 2024 Elections Trump embraces harsh immigration rhetoric during Las Vegas rally The Trump campaign on Sunday also launched the rebranding of its Latino outreach effort. By ...
Election Day is Tuesday. The specter of not knowing final tallies for the presidential race, and some down ballot contests, could figure prominently in the near-term outlook for domestic equities and bonds. When final outcomes are known, some may still feel this way. However, the U.S. isn...
A person votes in the 2024 U.S. presidential election on Election Day at Pasteur Elementary School in Detroit, Michigan, on Nov. 5, 2024. Emily Elconin | Reuters Polls closed in the swing states of Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin.
If that holds through session close, it would mark the fifth straight positive presidential Election Day for the blue-chip Dow. What’s more, 2024 would be the sixth winning presidential Election Day in a row for the S&P 500 and Nasdaq. — Alex Harring, Peter Schacknow Trending Now If...
Define writ of election. writ of election synonyms, writ of election pronunciation, writ of election translation, English dictionary definition of writ of election. n. pl. writs of election A writ issued by a governor or other executive authority requiri
Advocacy groups have stepped up awareness campaigns with scorecards for politicians and online rallies in recent weeks over what they see as everyday discrimination that stems from a rarely-used, colonial-era law banning sex between men. But for some gay Singaporeans, casting their vote in the ...
But let’s look at what happened in the five most important ballot initiatives of 2024. The biggest decision of the day was in Oregon, where voters were asked to pass Measure 118, which would have imposed a big tax on businesses to finance a universal handout (sort of a basic income st...
Finally, if you are passionate about your beliefs and want to act on your right to peacefully protest, then by all means do so. Protests have been part of the fabric of America from day one. If it is important to include your children, then be sure to put in place so...