Since the 1991 Constitution of Colombia, many elements of the electoral dynamics have been changing in this country. One of them, perhaps the most important one, is the significance that electoral alliances have taken for local and regional elections. With an analysis of the 2...
«Referendo revocatorio y elecciones regionales en Venezuela: geogra- fia electoral de la polarizacion», Revista Venezolana de Economia y Ciencias Sociales, vol. 11, nº 1, enero-abril, pp. 43-58. Lopez Maya, Margarita (2005). «Venezuela 2001-2004: actores y estrategias», ...
This research delves into fact-checking journalism in Colombia through the case study of the RedCheq platform during the 2019 regional elections. Through a quantitative content analysis, this article analyzes the geographic scope, the typology of verified information, the tools employed...