aquitainen. 阿基坦(法国西南部盆地) Eleanorn. 埃莉诺(女子名) eleanorn.埃莉诺(女子名) AI(abbr. = artificial intelligence) 人工智能 人工智能,一般简称为AI,是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门新的技术科学。
翻译 Eleanor of Aquitaine ['elənə] 释义 阿基坦(在法国西南部)的埃莉诺(1122~1204),法王路易七世之妻,法兰西王后(1137~1152);英王亨利二世之妻,英格兰王后(1154~1189) 英英释义 Noun 1. Queen of France as the wife of Louis VII; that marriage was annulled in 1152 and she then married Hen...
Eleanor of Aquitaine was Duchess of Aquitaine from 1137 to her death, Queen of France from 1137 – 1152 and Queen of England from 1154 – 1189.
Eleanor of Aquitaine Encyclopedia Wikipedia El·ea·nor of Aquitaine (ĕl′ə-nər, -nôr′)1122?-1204. Queen of France (1137-1152) and England (1152-1204). Her marriage to Louis VII of France was annulled in 1152, and shortly afterward she married Henry II of England. ...
Eleanor of Aquitaine's extraordinary life seems more likely to be found in the pages of fiction. Proud daughter of a distinguished French dynasty, she married the king of France, Louis VII, then the king of England, Henry II, and gave birth to two sons who rose to take the English thron...
Born into the ruling family of the Duchy of Aquitaine, a large province that covered most of southwest France, this cultured, sophisticated, and most eligible heiress in Europe had an extraordinary zest for life. At 15 she married the future King Louis VII of France and moved to Paris. ...
In May 1152, Eleanor of Aquitaine married Henry Fitz-Empress. Henry was the Duke of Normandy through his mother,Empress Matilda, and count of Anjou through his father. He was also the heir to the throne of England as settlement of the conflicting claims of his mother Empress Matilda (Empress...
Eleanor of Aquitaine Becomes Queen of France Louis and Eleanor were married in July 1137, but had little time to get to know one another before Louis’ father the king fell ill and died. Within weeks of her wedding, Eleanor found herself taking possession of the drafty and unwelcoming Cît...
Eleanor was wealthy because she was heiress of the duchy of Aquitaine, one of the greatest fiefs in Europe. Aquitaine was like a separate nation with lands extending in southwestern France from the river Loire to the Pyrenees. Eleanor's court was a trend setter in the medieval world, known ...
2. Cupid, the Lady, and the Poet: Modes of Love at Eleanor of Aquitaine's Court M O S H E L A Z A R The central and predominant theme in religious and secular literature of the Middle Ages, after the end of the eleventh century, is that of love. Whereas in religious literature ...