This add-on is a work in progress from a new mod dev. Please do not expect a perfect flawless add-on.CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download the best mods and addons! Games All games Minecraft World of Warcraft The Sims 4 Starcraft II ...
With less than 200 mods, this is a lightweight yet surprisingly fun (I hope) modpack that I created for both multiplayer and singleplayer if you wish to use this for it. This modpack contains mods that will not only add onto the vanilla survival experience, but spice it up spectacularly...
Pull requests Descend into madness with new end biomes, forbidden magic, and more. An H.P. Lovecraft inspired mod! minecraftminecraft-modlovecrafteldritcheldritch-end UpdatedJan 25, 2025 Java A theme for the Ancient Ones! (VSCode) vscode-themevisual-studio-code-themedark-thvscode-theme-darkeldrit...
Well... where to begin? First off, the graphics is... well it could just as well been released as a free Minecraft mod. It looks like Minecraft, it smells like Minecraft. If you don't like Minecraft just like me, you will not like this one either. ...
For the latest license text, refer to the mapping file itself, or the reference copy here: Additional Resources: === Community Documentation: LexManos' Install Video: https...