例如,若你已知1环法术护盾术shield,并且拥有一枚可用的1环法术位和一枚可用的2环法术位,则你可以用两者之一施展护盾术。 已知法术Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher。你习得三个自选的1环法师法术,其中两个必须从防护系和塑能系中选择。 表格“奥法骑士施法能力”中“已知法术”一栏记录了你获得更多已知法术时...
Re: Eldritch Knight Spells D&D 5e? Thrandarian#73045108/11/2007:05 PM OP Thrandarian journeyman T Joined:Oct 2020 I get jump at lvl 3 when I choose Eldritch Knight...But lvl 4 I save for stats...So was just hoping at 5 or higher I'd be able to get feather fall as I get more...
进阶职业3:奥法骑士 Eldritch Knight Fearsome warriors and spellcasters, eldritch knights are rare among magic-users in their ability to wade into battle alongside fighters, barbarians, and other martial classes. Those who must face eldritch knights in combat fear them greatly, for their versatility o...
2.4Spells Known of 1st-Level and Higher 2.5Spellcasting Ability 3Eldritch Stride 4Uncanny Ward 5Ghostwalk 6Eldritch Agility Eldritch Scout[edit] Kin to the Eldritch Knight, the Eldritch Scout uses magic to supplement their covert skills. Some Eldritch Scouts find themselves as squires and seconds ...
I searched around the forums for a bit so I wouldn't waste time asking a question that has already been asked, but I failed to find any mention of a Weapon B...
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