Gives Eldritch Knight more spellcasting. Now with CHA, WIS and CON versions as well, for your party-face, perception, and tanking needs. Full Release Ver, works with multiclassing as well.
According to D&D 5e they shouldn't get it. But BG3 isn't really D&D 5e so it might be possible in-game at present. I don't see why they should be denied access to such a spell though. An alternative nearing launch could be to multiclass or to grab the magic initiate feat for th...
All multiclass kits (Eldritch Knight, Priest of Mystra, and War Wizard at the moment) require that you first select the appropriate race and multiclass combo, and then only once you are in-game can you assign the kit. This is done with a tome that can be bought from the very first...