新天赋树-奥法骑士 ..术士和法爷的新天赋树核心天赋:奥法冲击:10sp,15秒cd,近战+1W,命中时对周围的敌人同时造成0-2每人物等级的力场伤害,可以被力场法强影响。被动:+1%双击。每花费1点ap在这棵树上+0.5全
I searched around the forums for a bit so I wouldn't waste time asking a question that has already been asked, but I failed to find any mention of a Weapon B...
Re: Eldritch Knight Spells D&D 5e? Thrandarian#73037408/11/2005:08 PM Sadurian Cleric of Innuendo Joined:Oct 2020 Location:Rugby, UK You could also buy the appropriate scrolls to use when required. Not many suitable vendors at present, but I'm sure there will be more later. ...