魔能爆丨Eldritch Blast< 法术 | AgelBot 于7个月前修改了此页面。 塑能 戏法(邪术师) 施法时间: 1动作 施法距离: 120尺 法术成分: V、S 持续时间: 立即 一束激烈的能量射向施法距离内一个生物。对该目标发动一次远程法术攻击,如果命中则该目标受1d10点力场伤害。 当你到达更高等级时,本法术还可以...
施展魔能爆Eldritch Blast时,你可以将魅力调整值加到其每次命中所造成的伤害中。 幽影护甲 你可以随意以自身为目标施展法师护甲Mage Armor,且无需消耗法术位和材料成分。 星移步法 Ascendant Step 先决条件: 第9级 你可以随意以自身为目标施展浮空术Levitate,且无需消耗法术位和材料成分。 野兽之语 你可以随意...
Spells Eldritch Blast Spells RulesCreate A SpellBrowse Homebrew LegacyThis doesn't reflect the latest rules and lore.Learn More Level Cantrip Casting Time 1 Action Range/Area 120 ft. Components V, S Duration Instantaneous School Evocation
Clearly, each beam of eldritch blast goes through the steps of "making an attack" from the beginning, one after the other; you choose a target for each beam, determine modifiers (though this will almost certainly be the same for every beam unless something grants advantage/disadvantage ...
So, if you have War Caster, and you have a whip that you can use as a spellcasting focus, would that let you use Eldritch Blast on anyone who provokes an opportunity attack within 10 feet? As far as I can tell, the real question is whether "spell using the weapo...
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61 3 Ben Barden 25.8k33 gold badges6767 silver badges136136 bronze badges 54 4 V2Blast 50.3k1010 gold badges223223 silver badges306306 bronze badges 53 4 Someone_Evil♦ 48.9k88 gold badges169169 silver badges260260 bronze badges 50 6 GcL 34.5k44 gold badges110110 silver badges175...