Ranged Damage/Effect Force A beam of crackling energy streaks toward a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage. The spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels: two beams at 5th level, three bea...
魔能爆Eldritch Blast 塑能戏法施法时间:1 动作施法距离:120 英尺法术成分:V、S持续时间:立即一束激烈的能量射向施法距离内一个生物。对该目标发动一次远程法术攻击,如果命中则该目标受 1d10 点力场伤害。当你到达更高等级时,该法术还可以同时创造更多的射线: 5 级时两条,11 级时三条,17 级时四条。你可以...
As good as it can be to pick useful Eldritch Invocations, sometimes it can be tempting to go off-piste with your choices and create aDnD character buildthat’s truly unique to you. Here are some of the most entertaining Eldritch Invocations out there. Beast Speech Talking to animals never ...