Dungeons & Dragons,D&D,龙与地下城及相关Logo均为Wizards of the Coast LLC的注册商标。本维基由用户自行创建、维护,与上述公司无关。 如无特殊标明,本维基记载的所有资料均出自Wizards of the Coast LLC公开发行的资料,译本出自纯美苹果园或其他社区用户的贡献。 如果本维基未经允许使用了您的译本,请以任意方式联...
Spells Eldritch Blast Spells RulesCreate A SpellBrowse Homebrew LegacyThis doesn't reflect the latest rules and lore.Learn More Level Cantrip Casting Time 1 Action Range/Area 120 ft. Components V, S Duration Instantaneous School Evocation
Clearly, each beam of eldritch blast goes through the steps of "making an attack" from the beginning, one after the other; you choose a target for each beam, determine modifiers (though this will almost certainly be the same for every beam unless something grants advantage/disadvantage ...
With War Caster, you can provide the somatic components of eldritch blast even if your hands are full of weapons. With Improved Pact Weapon, you could provide the material components of a spell using your pact weapon as your focus, but eldritch blast doesn't have material...
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