ljusgenomslaeppande mot eld skyddande panelA light-transmitting fire screening panel comprising at least one sheet of glass and at least one layer of intumescent material, the improvement which comprises utilizing in the layer a hydrated alkali metal silicate as intumescent material and one or more...
总要来趟张家界吧,去坐全世界最长的索道,去爬999层阶梯,去乘12个穿山扶梯,去走走玻璃栈道,去感受魅力湘西,去吃当地的三下锅~山河远阔,人问烟火,山不见我,我自去见山#张家界天门山 总要来趟张家界吧,去坐全世界最长的索道,去爬999层阶梯,去乘12个穿山扶梯,去走走玻璃栈道,去感受魅力湘西,去吃当地的三下锅...
LJUSGENOMSLAEPPANDE MOT ELD SKYDDANDE PANELA light-transmitting fire screening panel comprising at least one sheet of glass and at least one layer of intumescent material, the improvement which comprises utilizing in the layer a hydrated alkali metal silicate as intumescent material and one or more...
FOERFARANDE Foer FRAMSTAELLNING AV A laminated LJUSGENOMSLAEPPANDE MOT ELD SKYDDANDE PANELA method of manufacturing a laminated, light-transmitting fire-screening panel comprising at least one solid layer of intumescent material sandwiched between two structural plies without the use of a sheet of...
FOERFARANDE Foer FRAMSTAELLNING AV A laminated LJUSGENOMSLAEPPANDE MOT ELD SKYDDANDE PANELA method of manufacturing a laminated, light-transmitting fire-screening panel comprising at least one solid layer of intumescent material sandwiched between two structural plies without the use of a sheet of...
foerfarande foer framstaellning av i laminerad ljusgenomslaeppande mot eld skyddande panelA method of manufacturing a laminated, light-transmitting fire-screening panel comprising at least one solid layer of intumescent material sandwiched between two structural plies without the use of a sheet of...