It mentions that the increased fracture rate may be caused by several factors that induce falls among diabetic patients including neuropathy, visual impairment and stroke.RonigerLoriRochelleBiomechanicsRoniger L. Diabetic elderly lose muscle mass. Biomechanic. 2007; 14: 17....
they will losemusclemass and strength as part of the natural aging process. When people lose muscle mass, it is replaced by fat and fibrous tissue, resulting in muscles looking like marbled steak. The rate of decline varies, with inactive seniors losing more than others. Researchers estimate th...
skeletal muscle mass (2.0%) and a 0.7 kg (95% CI: 0.47, 0.91; p < 0.0001) increase in body fat mass (3.6%). While PM2.5reduced fat free mass in the upper extremities and trunk, but not in the lower extremities, it increased body fat mass in the three parts. There was ...
Strength and aerobic training attenuate muscle wasting and improve resistance to the development of disability with aging. By the age of 50 yrs old, humans become aware that they are losing muscle strength (mass) and endurance (mitochondria). A frequent symptom of neuromuscular... JO Holloszy,BS...
Well-designed intervention studies in frail elderly people are needed to define new leads for the development of nutritional and exercise interventions to effectively prevent or treat the progressive loss of muscle mass, strength and physical performance with aging. Therefore, the aims of this thesis ...
Smaller muscle mass is associated with increase in EMG-EMG coherence of the leg muscle during unipedal stance in elderly adultsEMG-EMG coherenceUnipedal stanceElderlyAge-induced decline in the ability to perform daily activities is associated with a deterioration of physical parameters. Changes occur ...
Jan NM Ijzermans2 Lijckle van der Laan1 1Department of Surgery, Amphia Hospital, Breda, the Netherlands; 2Department of Surgery, Erasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands Background: Both low skeletal muscle mass (LSMM) and delirium are frequently seen in elderly ...
The loss of muscle mass with aging has been, at least partly, attributed to a blunted muscle protein synthetic response to food intake. Leucine coingestion has been reported to stimulate postprandial insulin release and augment postprandial muscle protein accretion. We assessed the clinical benefits ...
Association between muscle mass and disability in performing instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) in community-dwelling elderly in Japan This study describes the association between low muscle mass and disability in performing IADL in elderly, community-dwelling Japanese subjects. Subjects w......
Bed rest has a negative impact on health including losing muscle size, strength, and power (Ferrando, Lane, Stuart, Davis-Street, & Wolfe, 1996; Trappe et al., 2008); impaired postural control (Mulder et al., 2014; Reschke et al., 2009; Viguier, Dupui, & Montoya, 2009); and ...