CoV strains, this observation supports our hypothesis that repeated exposure to circulating hCoV could be driving pre-existing immunity and cross-reactive responses in the elderly. Multivariate regression analysis (partial least square regression, PLSR) and unsupervised hierarchical clustering performed on th...
In this process, the assessment of PE and EE will indirectly impact BI depending on whether the attitude is positive or not. Therefore, the following hypotheses are made: Hypothesis 8 (H8). ATU will mediate the driving effect of PE on BI. Hypothesis 9 (H9). ATU will mediate the driving...
Research Report on the Needs Assessment of Long-Term Care Services for the Elderly in the Macau Special Administrative; Governo da Região Administtrativa Especial de Macau: Macau, China, 2006; pp. 16–26. Gehl, J. Life between Buildings Using Public Space; Island Press: Washington, DC, ...
We focused on the assessment of the accessibility of the elderly institutions in Jinan City, combining the Gini coefficient, Lorenz curve [41,57], and location entropy to comprehensively evaluate the fairness and reasonableness of the spatial distribution of ECIs in Jinan. The usability of the ...
The IAQI calculation method takes into account not only the mean concentration of each air pollutant, but also the maximum concentration of the pollution, enabling an objective assessment of air quality. The following formula was used to calculate IAQI values (Equations (2) and (3)) [65,66]...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in their article entitled "The Medical Devices' Safety of Non-contact Temperature Assessment Devices During the COVID-19 Pandemic", stated that infrared thermographic systems help in preventing virus transmission, because they are non-contact temperature...
The visual dominance over taste/flavour perception as well as the central importance of visual cues for driving our food selection behaviours both need to be recognised (see [162]). Hence, one might consider whether the presentation of more brightly-coloured foods/dishes could be used to help ...