care forv. 1.照顾,照料(病、老、幼者等) 2.深深地爱,非常喜欢 with care小心地 to care for喜欢;感兴趣 相似单词 elderlya. 1.年纪较大的,上了年纪的,中年以上的 n. 1.the eldely 老人;上了年纪的人 caren. 1.[U]看护;保护 2.[U]照料;管理;关怀 3.[C,U]忧虑,烦恼;心事 4.[U]用心;努力...
老年照护,老年护理 [例句]Elderly care insurance system ; sino-japanese ; comparative study ;.老年护理保险制度,中日,比较研究。结果一 题目 budni care是什么意思 答案 budni care®: Pflegeserie gegen unreine Haut 9. Mai 2014 • Beauty • 3 Kommentare Heute zeige ich euch einen Teil der neuen...
elderly care system elderly-depression Elderly male patient elderly thoracotomy elderly hypertensive elderly primiparity上一篇 elderly ish 下一篇 elderly woman elderly care是什么意思 elderly care在线翻译 elderly care什么意思 elderly care的意思 elderly care的翻译 elderly care的解释 elderly care的发音 elderly...
strengthening and developing new approaches to social governance, resolutely winning the battle against poverty, promoting social fairness and justice, making steady progress in ensuring people's access to childcare, education, employment, medical services, elderly care, housing, and...
1)Elderly Care老年照料 英文短句/例句 1.Challenge and Measures on the Care of the Aged Population;老年照料问题的挑战与对策——老年照料产业初探 2.On the Importance of the Social Work in the Care and Service for the Elderly;社会工作在老年照料与服务中的作用 3.China Uban Elderly Care Cost Analys...
每日一词|养老服务预收费监管 regulation of prepayment for elderly care services 民政部等七部门近日联合发布关于加强养老机构预收费监管的指导意见,鼓励养老机构采用当月收取费用的方式,并规定养老服务费预收的周期最长不得超过12个月。A guideline on regulating prepayment for elderly care services has been ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook nursing home (redirected fromElderly Care Center) Thesaurus Medical Financial Encyclopedia nursing home n. A private establishment that provides living quarters and care for chronically ill, usually elderly patients. ...
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每日一词∣社区养老 community-based elderly care 中国日报网 06-0310:34 我国将加大对社区家庭服务业的税费政策优惠。从今年6月1日到2025年底,对提供社区养老、托幼、家政相关服务的收入免征增值税,并减按90%计入所得税应纳税所得额。 China will further reduce taxes in the community-based service industries...